About Me

Hi! I'm Taher.

Ever since I was young, I've always loved building things. Whether it was an intricate lego city that I put on one side of my room or a couple pieces of wood that I nailed together and called a table, simply the idea of creating something new from random things I found around my house was entrancing to me. This passion for buildings things actually introduced me to the world of programming and computer science. It fascinated me that you could type a couple of words and all of a sudden be looking at a fully functioning website.

As I grew older, I became more and more interested in learning how things work. What does a computer do internally when I press this button? Or what happens inside my car when I go to turn it on? This led to me becoming very interested in data science. Extracting tiny details from large unstructured data sets and using them in various ways or working with API's and JSON files brought me the same type of joy I experienced when I put two lego bricks together when I was ten.

At the same time, I became increasingly interested in space. Growing up in Houston, my parents would frequently take me to NASA's Space Center. It always amazed me to see all of the different types of rockets, and everything that they were able to do. It was my dream to one day be able to work on a project that could eventually make its way out of Earth... or even further!

My Resume

  • Work Experience

  • Podcast Host

    ThisTechLife - 2020 - Current

    Written, hosted, and edited every single episode with each episode revolving around a new tech product from major companies such as Apple or Microsoft.

  • Education

  • Bachelors Degree

    Colorado School of Mines - 2023 - 2027
  • High School Diploma

    Grand Oaks High School - 2019 - 2023

    Completed a diverse curriculum and excelled in advanced Math, Science, and CS courses ranging from Calculus to Cybersecurity. Created the Computer Science Honor Society (President) which fueled my passion for technology and increased my leadership/teamwork skills.

  • Web Design and Development Course

    Duke TIP - 2019

    Learned fundamentals of web development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap

  • Academy for IOS Mobile Application Development

    University of Texas at Austin - 2022

    Learned the basics of XCode and Swift creating apps for iPhone and iPad

  • Fintech Focus

    Giant Machines/JP Morgan Chase - 2023

    Learned how to incorporate python into web apps with the Flask framework while being mentored by finance associates at JP Morgan Chase


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